The most elaborate & efficient ultrasound data collection, inspection, & analysis instrument available today. Use on-board spectrum analysis, record, and make pictures, take temperature readings.
The Ultraprobe 10,000 brings ultrasopund inspection technology to a whole new level. With this one system, inspectors can perform condition analysis, record sounds, and store and manage data.
The Ultraprobe 9,000 is a digital ultrasonic inspection, information, storage, and retrieval system that's versatile and easy to use. Inspect, store & manage data accurately.
Either for compressed air, leak detection, steam traps, of electrical applications, the Ultraprobe 3000 is your tool for energy conservations. And it fits in the palm of your hand.
Fast, accurate, and designed for ease of use. Find compressed air and faulty steamtraps, prevent machinery failure & listen to electrical systems for discharges.
The Ultraprobe 100 is a practical tool for any leak detection, steam trap inspection, or troubleshooting program. Simple to use & cost effective.
Optimize your lubrication program with the analog UP201 of digital UP401 to pro-actively avoid early bearing failures. Listen to the bearing, start lubricating and determine when to stop!
Find hardware and software accessories for all Ultraprobe Instruments.
While you use the famous Ultraprobe analog and digital systems for route inspection, find out how our remote monitoring instruments provide you with the coverage you need at all times.